Download 'Pollination' - Our Sustainability in Marketing Handbook


We started “Pollination” as a project to help our clients make better sustainability choices with their marketing efforts. We genuinely believe that we can deliver commercial results for our clients, while also lessening the environmental impact of the activity. If you’re interested in best practice and key case study examples in the realms of packaging, innovation, community and experiential, then our free Pollination handbook is exactly what you are looking for.

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Sustainability and sustainable practices are at the heart of everything we do in Honey+Buzz. We’ve taken little steps and large leaps to ensure our impact on the environment is minimised at every turn. Every pitch, plan and/or response we propose comes with a measured approach to sustainability, and while we don’t have all the answers, we’re doing our damned best to ask the questions early so we can come up with an appropriate solution.

As with all campaign strategies we look to the tried & tested for precedent, we then use our own creative approaches and experiences to design a best approach to the problem. We know that a lot of the time we’re trying to answer the same question, “how do we reduce waste/impact” just with different lens or perspective each time. Our clients, brands and campaign are varied and diverse, but all have more or less the same sustainable goals.

In Volume 1, we take a holistic view of creative campaigns, experiences and examples of pioneers that are positively changing the perception of material waste, the short term value of packaging and ultimately why sustainability is important to society as a whole. We’ve identified 5 key trends that are generating positive sentiment for brands and people. The prominence and power of social media further enables people to call out brands for their indiscretions, mismanagement, lack of foresight and initiative. There is an excellent opportunity here for brands to show their creativity to the issue around sustainability and recycling.

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